Introducing: The Do Good Dollar

Posted on by Vierra Reid

Recently, we sat down as a group to go over what we wanted out of the brand and everything directed back to our Do Good Program. The more places we've gone with our Do Good Projects, the more we've realized that life is all about people. 

What's most important for us as a brand isn't just getting people to wear our product, it's getting those people to grasp and share the Do Good mentality with the community around them. 

This is where the #DoGoodDollar comes in. We want to give you something tangible to take action with. The mission of the dollar is to be an extension of our Do Good Program allowing you to reach the places we can't.  

We're excited to see how you take the Do Good mentality one dollar further.

Submit a photo to social media with the hashtag #DoGoodDollar or upload them directly here to be featured as inspiration:


5 Examples:

  1. Donate it to a cause you believe in
  2. Send a letter to your mom - she'll love it
  3. Buy a pack of gum to hand out one-by-one throughout your day
  4. Add time to someone's parking meter if they're close to running out
  5. Buy a flower for someone to encourage them

Posted under: Do Good

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