Proof Frontier Project: Kelly Price

Posted on by Jen Bernhardt

The Colorado Paint Mines

Kelly Price and her husband, love any chance they can get to dream up a new adventure in their beautiful state of Colorado.

 Originally from the Midwest, Kelly was hungry to get out in the Coloradan wilderness and explore. Eight years and one adventure buddy later- her husband and she set out on their recent adventure to the Paint Mines. 

Frames: Challis 

The Paint Mines are largely unknown to most Coloradans. To get to them you must drive East (away from the Rocky Mountains where people love to explore). They are nestled in the middle of the tiniest town in the middle of open farmland. 

Frames: Ada

“Once we parked our car and walked a few feet to the edge of the valley, we were floored at the immediate beauty and expense of the Paint Mines”- Kelly

Frames: Sawtooth

The park features fantastic geological formations including spires and hoodoos which were formed through erosive action. This created incised gullies and exposed layers of seienite clay and jasper; giving the rocks their orange, purple, and yellow colors.

By the end of the day, with the sun slowly setting upon the colorful giants, they packed up their things and put the camera away. As they drove away and back through the small towns that separate the Paint Mines and their home in Denver- Kelly and her husband feel grateful for a state that offers adventures so vastly different from one corner of the state to the next.

"Thanks, Paint Mines for another adventure for the books" - Kelly.

See more of Kelly on her Instagram!

Posted under: #prooffrontierproject, Blog

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