Proof Eyewear Opens Eye Clinic in India!
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We have recently been able to raise $25,000 by saving a portion of every sale into the Do Good. Campaign. The first project in this campaign was to build an eye clinic in India to provide free cataracts surgeries to those who could not afford such a life changing opportunity. In India, these people cannot offer a livelihood for their families when they have cataracts and are blind. This makes it difficult to provide for their village and are left at a loss.
With Aravind Eye Clinics we were able to open our first eye clinic and for the opening we went over to India to help with the opening days. In going to India we were able to see the vastly different culture/world in which the people of India live. Met with stares and kindness everywhere it was a trip of a lifetime that fell nothing short of humbling and amazing.
To be able to give back at this global level at this point in the life of Proof could not have been reached without the support of every person that is behind Proof. We are beyond humbled at the amount of support this campaign has received from Proof supporters. Look forward to a short web series of the adventures of opening the eye clinic and our travels in India!
The three brothers behind Proof Eyewear!